Illamasqua is one of those beauty brands that is innovative not only in their collections but with also being a high quality brand while also catering to the every day woman like myself. I just really love this brand you guys words can not explain how proud I am of this brand! Okay enough of the emotional stuff! Today Illamasqua came out with another stunning collection (Which I havn't had the luxury to play around with yet but I know its amazing) featuring speckled pastel nail polishes, three blush duos, a neon pink lipstick!, a grassy green intense lipgloss and a contour blush brush.
[Story behind the collection]
The world isn't perfect. But who wants to be perfect anyway? I'mperfection is an open invitation to stand up and show the world what makes you perfectly, imperfect. We want you to highlight the features other brands encourage you to cover up and celebrate your imperfections like badges of honour. So show off your freckles. Make beauty spots more beautiful. Shine a light on your birthmarks. And be proud of your scars. Because life isn't about finding yourself, life is about celebrating who you really are.This is why I love love love (how many times have I said love in this post?) This collection is what my blog is about. Loving the imperfect and not because I should but because its what my heart and my personality is automatically drawn to. I always seem to be attracted to people who think are odd or imperfect so this collection is kind of personal for me! Even though I don't think I'd be wearing green lipgloss anytime soon but its the creativity and the artistry that Alex Box, and Julian Kynaston founder of Illamasqua and the brand director Joseph Gorre and many others apart of the Illamasqua team create for this brand. It just takes my breath away with every collection and I wish every brand could be more like them! I can't wait to check out the colleciton in person and try the green intense lipgloss and that Bright neon pink lipstick check out all of the products [here]
Do you guys wear Illamasqua if so what are your favorite products? or what was one of the first things you've ever bought from the brand! The first thing I've ever bought was a lipstick in 'Scandal' and a eyeshadow in 'Sadist'